UPSC Civil Services Exam

How to Succeed in UPSC Civil Services Exam 2022?


Many aspirants fear that they will never be able to succeed in the Civil Services Examination because of the very low pass percentage every year. After the final merit list is released by UPSC, a few aspirants feel lucky and proud that they cleared, but others feel disheartened. The difference in the feelings is due to the difference in the preparation level.

The UPSC Civil Services has three stages – Prelims, Mains and Interview. The candidates get a place in the final merit list only after clearing all these stages in one go and after clearing the exam, the life of the aspirant changes entirely. The three stages of this exam have both similarities and differences. But overall, all the levels are so dynamic in nature and demand such kind of preparation.

Given the tougher nature of the exam, some tips might be helpful for aspiring candidates. This article will provide you with some insights on how to succeed in one of the toughest exams conducted by UPSC, that is, undoubtedly the Civil Services Exam.

Tips to Succeed in CSE 2022

Always believe that this year is your year if you start the preparation for CSE 2022. If you doubt that you are having enough time, plan and decide for yourself if you want to give it a try this year. This is an important step because every attempt matters.

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Do not worry if you were not a topper from school. In the history of the UPSC Exam, many average students in school days have topped the exam due to the consistent effort they had put in while preparing for the exam. Let us discuss some useful tips to succeed in CSE 2022.

  1. Formulate your own Success Mantra – Know that the success mantra is not the same for all. Whatever had worked out for the previous years toppers might not work for you because of the differences in IQ level, educational background, personality, etc. Insights can be drawn from the toppers or seniors, but it has to be modified and personalised based on yourself. There is no such universal success mantra that is applicable to everyone who prepares for the UPSC Exam.
  2. Be Consistent – Sometimes, reading newspapers, studying NCERTs, standard books and attempting mock tests might feel monotonous. But you have to trust the process and be consistent in doing the same thing differently. Just remember that for this exam, being consistent is the most important thing to do.
  3. Keep Faith in Yourself – Irrespective of the fact whether you are doing self-study at home or taking up coaching classes, always believe in yourself. Don’t self-doubt too much about your preparation if you are not taking up coaching classes. If you encounter fear, push it to the back of your mind and move forward with your books. Every year, a certain number of students get into the final merit list. Have a thought that if they can do it, then you also can do it.
  4. Concentrate on the Static and Dynamic Part of the Syllabus – The static part of the syllabus consists of basic knowledge of all the topics in the syllabus. The dynamic part is current affairs. In recent years, the importance of current affairs has increased much, and it has to be prepared along with the static part of the syllabus.
  5. Try to Interconnect Topics in the Syllabus – This will be a useful technique to cover the topics faster and also efficiently. For example, if there is a cyclone in news, you have to read the geographical aspect of the cyclone, then the cyclone is also a disaster, so articles on disaster management also have to be read, in addition to that, how the cyclone was handled by the administration also have to be covered. Therefore, it has to be understood that the topics have to be covered by interconnecting various topics/subtopics.
  6. Take Notes and Revise Periodically – Take notes related to all the aspects of a particular issue. This will help you to interconnect topics in your brain, and this will improve your answer writing and analytical skills. Revision is one thing that you can not afford to miss. All the efforts and hard work will be paid off in the exam hall only if you had revised the same things multiple times.

Try to make use of these tips wherever and whenever needed and know more information about the UPSC exam, their dates, eligibility criteria and other details from the linked article.

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