Distance education

Distance education


It is a training which does not take place in a school establishment. Teaching is accessed by video conference, known as a “ virtual classroom ”. All the courses carried out are accessible after their completion via replay videos.

With Academic, you also benefit from an e-learning platform with additional content and on which you can easily discuss with other students or tutors. You should also know that there can be several degrees in e-learning training, that is to say: a program with 100% online courses or a mixture of online courses and courses in face-to-face. We then speak of mix-learning.

What are the advantages of E-learning?

The biggest advantage of e-learning training is obviously the flexibility it offers you . You organize yourself according to your schedule and you can access the online course wherever you are, with a simple internet access!

In the evolution of your university course: you learn at your own pace. Most training lasts 1 to 2 years. Some courses are adaptable according to your profile, and you can validate your diploma more quickly.

The distance learning allows more interaction because the content taught is accessible online and each teacher or student (s) is easily accessible through the platform provided.

Finally, this type of training reduces the cost of your training. You can also mobilize your CPF (personal training account) and access multiple courses.

Why choose distance learning?

As evidenced by our learners and alumni on our social networks, choosing to train remotely is above all making the choice of a very great freedom of organization . Whether you want to find a balance between study, professional and personal life or if the training centers closest to your home are too far away, e-learning has many advantages:

1. No need to travel anymore:

All your lessons are accessible wherever you are, as long as you have a computer connected to the Internet.

2. Train when you want:

Are you an employee and planning to retrain? Are you a stay-at-home mom or dad? Are you a student and would like to be able to work alongside your studies? With our e-learning platform, you are free to organize your schedule as you wish since your courses remain accessible 24/7.

3. Go at your own pace:

Our talented Research & Development team has relied on numerous studies in neuropedagogy to determine what a “good” training is. Your courses are thus presented on many different media in order to promote memory anchoring through “distributed training”, which implies that instead of concentrating your learning on face-to-face days, you learn a little each day. However, this dispersion in time and space has been recognized as much more effective than traditional learning!

4. Distance learning:

Yes ; train yourself: NO.  Since its creation in 2006, Icademie has placed its learners at the center of its quality process . Today, our distance learning system is made up of both rigorous and regular monitoring of each of our learners by our teaching team, and peer-to-peer interactions fostered through mutual aid and exchange forums. on our e-learning platform. Don’t worry, you are not alone in front of your computer: human relations are essential to us.

5. And at the end?

Obtain a recognized diploma or certification !  With our large catalog of training courses, all you have to do is find THE course that meets your professional project. Do not hesitate to contact our Training Consulting service to guide you in your choice!

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